Andamento Mercati : Rendimenti fino al 13.43% in 14 Giorni
Andamento Mercati
Andamento Mercati: Una MLP, o master limited partnership, è una società in accomandita che è quotata in una borsa valori nazionale. Le MLP sono in genere gestite da un general partner, mentre un socio accomandante fornisce il capitale per il business. In generale, gli investitori ricevono un rendimento stabile degli investimenti in MLP con la possibilità di partecipare alla crescita del business.Questo pacchetto fornisce previsioni algoritmiche per gli stock MLP basandosi sui dati di mercato.
Nome del pacchetto: Titoli di Master Limited Partnerships
Posizioni raccomandate: Long
Orizzonte temporale di previsione: 14 Giorni (20/01/2017 – 03/02/2017)
Media di I Know First: 5.35%
Numerose previsioni del short-term hanno ottenuto ritorni degni di nota. L’algoritmo ha previsto correttamente 9 su 10 movimenti di mercato. SXL é stato lo strumento più performante con il 13.43%. TGP e WES hanno visto risultati incoraggianti del 8.95% e 8.83%. Con questi risultati, il pacchetto ha registrato un rendimento del 5.35% rispetto a quello dell’S&P 500 del 1.49% nello stesso periodo.
Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. transports, terminals, and stores crude oil, refined products, and natural gas liquids (NGLs). Its Crude Oil segment provides transportation, terminalling, and acquisition and marketing services to crude oil markets in the southwest, Midwest, and northeastern United States. It contains approximately 5,900 miles of crude oil trunk and gathering pipelines; and has interests in 3 crude oil pipelines. The segment also operates with an aggregate storage capacity of approximately 28 million barrels, including approximately 24 million barrels in Nederland, Texas; and approximately 3 million barrels in Pennsylvania. The Natural Gas Liquids segment offers transportation, storing, and acquisition and marketing activities that include pipelines, storage and blending facilities, and strategic off-take locations that provide access to multiple NGLs markets. It contains approximately 900 miles of NGLs pipelines located in the northeast and southwest United States. The segment operates with storage capacity of approximately 5 million barrels, including approximately 1 million barrels in Texas; and 3 million barrels in Pennsylvania. It also engages in blending activities. The Refined Products segment provides transportation and terminalling services in the northeast, Midwest, and southeast United States. It operates approximately 1,800 miles of refined products pipelines; 40 active refined products marketing terminals; and storage capacity of approximately 8 million barrels. Sunoco Partners LLC serves as the general partner of the company. The company was founded in 2001 and is based in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania.
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